Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thank You God

It was a tough day for me. My health was not good. Too much pressure at office. Its just a day when you dont feel like doing anything and nothing seems to be getting better.

I returned home and sat in the serenity of my bedroom recollecting all the major and minor happenings of my life. What I realized is that I cant be more thankful to God than to anyone else.

As I realized God's decision to reprove me for poor marks was a blessing in disguise for I got a wonderful experience of a hostel life and definitely a sure change was brought in my adaptibility enhancing the adjusting nature further.

I realized that nothing lasts forever as no matter how hard I try some great people are bound to leave.

As correctly pointed out by someone God has His own way of making us understand the importance of good. He has created evil so that we can recognize what is good, he has given us hunger so that we can eat, he has created pride so that we know how and why to remain humble.

I have a lot of questions to God when things never go right, we all do --its human nature , but do we stop and realize when we get the answers? Do we stop for a minute and say Thank you to God when He slowly answers and shows us why His decision is always right?

I read somewhere that miracles happens everyday. Not that I believed it at one go. Its not before one day while traveling to office I was feeling too frail and continuously prayed to God to help me out, then I found my bus to reach the office before the scheduled time so that I can at least relax in the office medical room and get an immediate dose of medicine.

Who says prayers are never answered? They always are. You might be too busy to realize when they do happen.

During college days I asked God to give me a covey of good friends with whom I can have the most sensational life. God gave me 1 good friend who eventually turned out to be my best friend. He was there through all my thick and thins, supporting me , comforting me whenever I needed him.

I smiled at myself when my mind went to a flashback and only one thing which I could utter straight from heart is "Thank you God. Thank you sooooo much."


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