Sunday, July 10, 2016

A day for peace

I was travelling by bus with my whatsapp on and chatting with my teacher about one of her researches she is currently doing on human behavior. The answer that I got from her was full of positive vibes. She did acknowledge problems yet she never stopped making an effort to turn the situation positive.

Back home I was talking to my mother about the various problems that I was dealing with. She gave me an idea to meditate. Now thats something I never considered. As nowadays we have so much to do who would spend rather waste time meditating? I discussed this with my husband. But he insisted that we should at one point of time focus on the positives we have, calm our mind from the raging storm and let peace reign. Meditation can give you that peace.

I was about to retire for the day and just before that I switched on my Kindle as my daily custom. I was going through a book "change your habits, change your life" where the author states that it is always our choices , our limiting minds that restrict our ways to success. I dont want to delve deep into gyans as I find them boring. What I deciphered from it is if we have to dedicate a day to celebrate something lets celebrate happiness,peace and positivity. Lets forget our tensions for a day and concentrate on what we have, count our blessings and free our mind from fear.

I must say I am amazed at how my mother , mother-in-law or my teacher never stops to impart some positivity at the end of every problems so as to keep our focus intact. They may not deal with the situation the same way but they will never fail to look at the positive side too.

So lets meditate for a few minutes in a day, specially when your mind is racing. Just say "Calm down boss, life is not that difficult. This too shall pass."

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Forgiven but not forgotten

I was watching the movie "Life of Pie" once more on television where Irfan Khan says at the end "its not the end that hurts but to say goodbye so unceremoniously does". He meant about his tiger friend "Richard Parker" who kept him alive through all the hardships and once he was safe to go back to his own clan did the tiger made his exit without even looking back. He felt betrayed and cried like a baby. The incident was so disappointing that he felt the pain years later while dictating the entire episode to a journalist.

Forgiveness is never easy. We all have to accept the pain and in order to be happy with ourselves do we choose to let go. But what if someone so close to you leaves you without a warning, a goodbye? What if you never get to ask him/her a question "Why did you leave?" I sometimes wonder we have the right to act like how we want but do we not owe anything to others? How cruel it can be if you walk away like this?

In order to forgive the above doing we need a lot of courage but definitely this will never be forgotten. Its not about the ego, the hatred or anything. Its just a question asking if the person had the right to behave like that. The answer will always be No. But the irony is the people who can do this no longer care for what you feel. Yes you must forgive them so that you live a better life. But time and again you will be reminded about the defaulter and way he/she exited from your life. You may mourn at the loss of a friend but its hard to accept that people can be hard hearted enough to not bother.

The online saree war

After a whole decade or more, we have finally got a year that is unique and unprecedented. The last one might have been when India got its I...