Wednesday, January 18, 2017


I once read a passage by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam "Dreams are not what you see with your eyes closed. Dreams are what do not let you sleep" but the fact is I am a full time dreamer. I dream with open eyes,closed eyes -- I love to dwell there. With open eyes I dream about something I desperately want and with closed eyes they are all sort of rubbish.

One dream that I frequently see is that of exam. I used to get nervous the night before any exam but I dont remember myself to have examphobia. I often dream that there is an exam today or may be next week and I havent studied a single chapter. Why the hell was I wasting time? As the bell rang I started writing answers only to discover that I know nothing about that topic. Its when I wake up do I realize that I have left the student life well behind me and have moved on. I fail to understand what is that it is trying to anxiousness of not getting things done at the right time or something like that. I dust it off like a nonsense and carry on with the day.

People try to decode many of their dreams and try to find out if any peril is coming. Dreams do signal that. Its interesting to know that your mind plays the scene which your heart fears and cant ignore the possibility. The subconscious mind takes full responsibility of the same. However as I said there are stupid dreams and of course some like my above dream which I dont understand why it haunts me till date. 

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