Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Need for self-motivation

I was once roaming at the book fair organized in the office , looking at the books displayed. Books attract me a lot and though I do not get ample time to read  yet I love seeing them, buying them . Needless to say my house is full of books whose pages even have not been turned. Every time I promise myself not to buy any further but I guess  promises are meant to be broken.

In every book fair I always see a section of management books. Specially self motivation books. I keep on thinking why apart from story books or educational, cookery and comic books are these books increasing in numbers. I was most excited to see a black colored nice looking book with a familiar face in it. It was named as "The Best thing about you is You" by Anupam Kher. Yes I have seen the man acting in various films so out of curiosity I began to flip the pages. I found it interesting and bought it finally.

While I was reading it I realized it is about nothing but self motivation. The problems and solutions discussed seemed very similar to my own. Again it left me wonder why is these kind of books gaining importance these days? Most probably the answer could be the increasing pressure on studies, work, competitions, various household problems etc etc.

I once asked my friend "Do you even remember these kind of books to be so abundant when we were at school? Doesnt our elders also faced a lot of problems when they were at our age ? May be the situation were different at that time but the problems existed as always. So how could they overcome those situations?" To these my friend failed to answer.

I would not say the self motivation books are bad. Yet they try to remind you some very basics of life which we tend to forget as days pass. Many of my friends discourage me to buy them saying that every people will write about only his/her experience or his/her practice. "You may find one author has asked you to maintain a journal and note down the things that you should be doing today. Yes it a good practice but do you really get enough time to follow that? Maximum time you rely on your brain to take a note rather than a journal. Similarly how you should react when you are facing problems in your relationship or office or college etc is totally upto you. Do you remember the lines of the books when you are sad and feel like crying? Do you remember anything when you are terribly angry? "

One colleague of mine once suggested that "every body has their own problems. They way you handle it makes the difference. The lines written in the self motivation books are not something which is unknown to you. You either know it already or know better than that. But again to understand those lines you need to experience the situation. Just like you will find people will give you lectures at every field no matter how much they are experienced themselves. For example if you are in a relationship with a person you may find me giving you suggestions and lectures even if I had never experienced any such things in my whole life.Thats human nature. So how do you think I will understand those lines written in the self motivation books when I myself havent experienced any pain? And again if you face pain in that relationship it is solely upto you  how you handle the situation and come out of it. No self motivation books can help you in that."

Likewise opinions differ. Some even says that they act as a guideline mostly after you fail to achieve something. They remind you some basic things , teach you some simple things which helps you  to move on. I once found a close friend of mine who used to always give lectures on various things in life, to be the most weakest person when it came to handling a pain. He always used to google and find out some inspirational quotes and deliver them to me at the end of the day so that it helps me to cope up with the worst situations but he himself was not a follower of them.

Problems always exist in their full forms be it in the past ,present or future, it will never fade away. They might change the form but will never leave until we are alive. With the increasing work pressure,competitions,exams the difficult moments will appear and disappear . Whatever is written in the self motivation books are also written in the interior of the brain. Only we have to recollect them from time to time and have faith in ourselves. Again it is our mistakes only which we call as "experience" and that "experience" teaches us many things which we can never know by merely reading a book.

1 comment:

  1. you have written exactly what every person feels but does not express..

    this is really well written..


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